Brighton & Hove Homelessness Fund

Sussex Community Foundation has partnered with Regent Exhibitions Ltd, owner of the IMEX Group, to create the Brighton & Hove Homelessness Fund.

Regent Exhibitions is a family owned and run Brighton based business. The owners have lived in Brighton for 3 generations and have deep links and love for the city. They are involved in a number of different charities and local organisations.

Like many Brightonians they have watched the plight of homeless people in the City grow over the past decade and felt compelled to support those in greatest need. They partnered with the Sussex Community Foundation to ensure that the money would be well spent and directed to those charities aiming at making a strategic difference to homelessness in Brighton & Hove.

The fund aims to invest in projects focussed on long term thinking and innovative approaches. Grants of up to £20,000 per year for three years will be offered, though there is flexibility to give more in exceptional circumstances. 

Regent Exhibitions Ltd is also supporting the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Network (HRSN), led by Justlife with funding to support the coordination of the Network.

Projects funded in 2024 -2025

Following the Ideas Hackathon in June last year 5 projects were funded through the Brighton & Hove Homelessness Fund:

SPARC - Supported Placements to Achieve and Rally Change BHT Sussex

Amount Awarded: £81,842 (over 3 years)

Here for You The Clock Tower Sanctuary, Sussex Nightstop & YMCA DLG

Amount Awarded: £15,500

Microsite Housing Project Off the Fence Trust

Amount Awarded: £30,000 (over 2 years)

Common Ambition - Co-production Training Arch Health CIC

Amount Awarded: £19,815

HRSN Grant Justlife Foundation

Amount Awarded: £30,533

If you are interested in learning more about the Brighton & Hove Homelessness Fund - how you could contribute to the fund or details of the next Ideas Hackathon (to apply to the fund) contact: