Homelessness & Rough Sleepers Network

Working together to end homelessness in Brighton & Hove

facilitated by

  • The Calendar lists details of some of the key interagency meetings and events for those working to end homelessness in the city.

    Listings include details of who each meeting/event is aimed for - to help gather the right people in the right spaces.

  • This section gathers some of the groups we facilitate or work with, plus other useful resources and information. Currently included:

    Groups we currently support.

    B&H Research Forum

    Useful Links

  • Here you will learn about the HRSN, it’s members, and how we connect with others in the sector.

    We have also grouped job/volunteer opportunities at member organisations to give easy access for those looking to work in the sector all in one place.

  • This section explains a bit about the fund and the Ideas Hackathon events that support it.

Welcome to the ‘HRSN’ Website

You can find out more about who we are here.

However, this website is for anyone working to end homelessness in our city.

Our hope is that this is a valuable space to gather together in one place various people, activities, and resources - as recommended in our Working Together Report - we recognise that no one organisation or sector can address this issue alone.

Below we explain some of the things you’ll find….

Join the network

The network is open to all Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise organisations in Brighton & Hove working with people who are experiencing homelessness.

HRSN members commit to working towards ending and preventing homelessness in Brighton and Hove through collaboration, within the sector and with statutory partners and wider stakeholders.

The network aims to have a specific strategic focus rather than a general operational one and is open to those in strategic/leadership roles within their organisation.

Representatives from member organisations should”

  • Be able to agree to actions and make decisions on behalf of their organisation.

  • Attend each meeting or nominate a substitute where possible.

  • Contribute proactively and positively and always respond to requests made for the benefit of the network, partner agencies and, most of all, the people we endeavour to assist.

The terms of reference for the network can be viewed here.

The Report

Working Together – Our vision to end homelessness – A snapshot of the VCSE homeless and rough sleepers sector in Brighton and Hove was published in Spring 2021.

It sets out to develop a cohesive understanding of the scale, scope and impact of the VCSE sector’s work and contribution towards preventing and reducing homelessness in Brighton and Hove.

Open PDF report.

Or read the summary here